Happy wedding anniversary!!!
My husband and his six string guitar.

Today is my wedding anniversary and I am in a reflective mood. One of the things I am thinking about right now is” how many things did I have to compete with for my husband’s attention?”

In general, couples have a lot to fight with to gain their spouse’s attention and the list continues to grow madly.

On the man’s part he might have to compete with the children for the wife’s attention, the boss in the office, house chores, soap’s (tv programmes in general) and don’t forget the parent in-law’s.

For the wife, she might have to deal with; husband’s job, secretary, personal assistant, mother in-law(in-laws in general), sports, and oh the other woman. (The children usually have a way of making sure mum always have their attention, no matter their sex)

Right at the top of that list as for me, please feel free to put as number one -my husband’s bass guitar. Don’t get me wrong, I had my fair (unfair share I should say. Because there some things that move some men that mine wouldn’t be bothered about) share of other things on the list and more. But nothing more compelling and competitive as the bass guitar!

My husband likes to pray, praise and practice late into the night and when he’s done he brings the blasted thing to bed.I would sometimes in reaching out to touch my husband at night be confronted with the “cold woodeness” of it’s royal highness. At the early stage of our marriage, my guy used to refer to the blasted thing as his second wife!!. Until of course I made him realise that he was doing so to his peril and there were certain things his stringy companion wouldn’t do or give to him!

Common sense prevailed eventually and stringy stopped coming to bed with us. Though I saw it this morning on bed, but not in between us as before,  but far away from my wifely attack.

It’s been a wonderful journey these thirteen years. That’s not to say that there were no times when I felt like this;

These are some of the things I’ve learned:

1. Mom is a supper woman! and so can’t be tired, sleepy or ill-until I go on strike and everyone knows I am not joking.

2. Mom knows it all!-until the child gets to understand the cartoon he/she watches and believes every word that “auntie and uncle”says.

3. You don’t always get a”good job” for work done but rather; you missed a spot! Believe me it’s all done in complete innocence and true love.:);)

4. You have to do dinner, even if you come home after your husband. Your touch they say makes the difference.

5. Give an honest answer to every question asked by your children. You might not be the only one they have or will ask.

6. When in doubt of the answer to their assignments please say so and humbly ask for Google’s assistance.

7. God is the best friend you have and He alone should you tell about the marital issues if any. No third party allowed!

8. When in doubt of a situation or not sure of happenings, please ask. Your mind could do wonderful things to otherwise clear issues especially when you are upset, suspicious or have some other emotion that would not support organized thinking.

9. Everyone’s opinion counts take note of them but move on. They don’t have to form the foundation of the family principles and guide lines.

10. No one is a mind reader! Keep a healthy conversational lifestyle.

l look forward to the next thirteen years and much more with you my love.


2 thoughts on “The things I had to compete with!

  1. Hey Queeneth! So good to read your blog. Didn’t know you write!.. Spot on regarding coming home after Hubby but must still cook. Several times, Boo & I would get home late together and right from the door with my fatigued face and limping sef hoping he’d be sympathetic and just drink golden morn or bread and butter and he asks “what am I having for dinner?” And he won’t let go until you make something good. We really try as women.


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