No half measures

That would sound like anyone’s new year resolution, after they have decide to either go ahead and get tasks done or quit making unrealistic resolutions completely!

No half measures.

Could be a resolute statement from one who has seen both sides of a divide, taken the odds into account and decided that enough was enough. This was the time to move forward and never look back.

What was it that was supposed to be whole that now is considered half? What were the intended measures that eventually didn’t add up?

To think that one is aware that measures where not wholesome or not met, and that there is an expectation of completeness that was not achieved, speaks of an existing mindset of how it ought to be that ultimately never happened.

We are aware of the where, what and how, but what seems to be the issue that has to be delt with, is that “why”.

Why are we not getting things done? Why is it that we somehow never get to say goodbye to eventually, maybe, or next time, and even better luck next time?

We need to be real with ourselves.

Why do we often get a destination in mind, set up or know what to do to get there, but don’t make it to the finish line?

No half measures.

Many a-time we decide a matter, especially after certain consequences have taken place to enlighten the reasons why happenings must take place, else resultant misfortunes. Yet, we are privy to the ineffectiveness of our decisions and ineffeciency of the path we eventually pursue.

I was once opportuned to the discussions of a group and everyone was speaking up on how things had to change and become different.

There was a heightened sense of awareness of the shortfall on expectations, what needed to be done to get different results and yet nothing’s done to get going on the decisions made.

I think I’m beginning to sound like a broken record. ๐Ÿคจ

But, why do we continue to do this to ourselves? Take a step forward, and then a couple more backwards. We decide a thing, only to knife it into non-existence the next minute.

I believe that everyone who succeeds has set a pattern that ensures this, and anyone who doesn’t has done so with set patterns as well.

We all know what success and failure looks like. What we may not want to accept, is that each of us contribute one way or another to each’s final appearance.

What patterns have you mastered? What patterns are you caught up in?

This is a call to all of us to examine are patterns and the things we often repeat to see how we are easily set ourselves back.

A step in the right direction, every day, can help paint a picture of the future that you and I can be proud of. Let’s see things through.

Take that first step today. You can.

No half measures.